
  Unimerse PokemonGo for events Visit The Website Holding a concert? Gamify it! Spread coins (burgers, hearts, whatever) in AR over the venue. Make your audience catching them like pokemons, then exchange to… a backstage visit, photo with a star, you name it. Fun + AR = success. Sponsored discounts Follow your favourite places and

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  ShortKlips Video editing – as easy to collaborate as Google Docs Visit The Website Nokia and The World Bank have tried managing their video editing projects with ShortKlips. It connects video editors and their clients. Edit what you want, not what the others want you The client creates the project and uploads source files.

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  V.A.L.T Video surveillance, Software-as-a-Service, state-of-the-art Visit The Website As simple as you want
as complex as you need Live stream IP cameras, record, watch the recordings. Simple as 1, 2, 3—on the first view. Closer look fascinates by scale and smart, carefully thought over details. They are what differ professionalism and true dedication from superficiality

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Cake Mix

Idea The idea behind Cakemix app is to improve your running & workout experience by creating music playlists with custom BPM ranges. Challenge The main challenge for the project was getting the correct BPM (beats per minute) for Apple Music song. Fortunately, Spotify provides the BPM so by matching Apple Music songs with Spotify songs

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AR Draft

Idea We all get bored in the office from time to time, right? That’s exactly why we wanted to make our office downtime more exciting. Playing darts in AR with your office buddies is the next best thing! Challenge AR is something new to all of us and in order to find the right approach,

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Run On

Idea The goal of RunOn is to make running fun and interesting. The client wanted to engage runners by streaming stories which plot is tied to the heartbeat of the user. Challenge The biggest challenge for the project was sending users’ heart rate to the app and making sure it will influence the storyline. Results

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Ground Central

Idea The main goal of this application was to reduce wait time in lines for coffee and create a more loyal user base through a system of reward points. Challenge The main difficulty was figuring out how to connect to the client’s POS system and if we can make it possible for people to both:

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