
We all get bored in the office from time to time, right? That’s exactly why we wanted to make our office downtime more exciting. Playing darts in AR with your office buddies is the next best thing!


AR is something new to all of us and in order to find the right approach, we had to dig deep to review and study Apple’s AR Kit and Unity AR.


In the end, we managed to create one of the first ever multiplayer AR games. Utilizing AR kit was a challenge but we managed to make it work flawlessly.


The wireframes presented us with a familiar task of creating a game user interface that would match players around the world. As always our main goal here was to ensure that people can get to their goal in as few taps as possible.


One of the hardest designs to make is the one that needs to shift the focus on the content and not the actual interface. That’s what we did here and shifted the attention to the actual game and darts.

Play with your

One of the best things about AR darts is that you can play both solo and with friends. Multiplayer games are just a whole lot of fun!

App Icon

When working on the app icon we wanted it to tell the user exactly what it is. The use of the target image and note that it’s for AR did the trick.